Kitsilano Soapbox Derby

July 23rd, 2008

This year would’ve been the 18th annual Kitsilano Soapbox Derby race. Seems that one reason given for the cancellation was because “the burden on volunteers made the race difficult to run”.

I guess for this year at least, there will be a soapbox derby, Red Bull style. And that means a bias toward ‘outrageous-looking’ soapbox cars (like chicken) versus the traditional soapbox style that’s built for speed.

This handy YouTube video from specialkiwis shows highlights from the Kitsilano Soapbox Derby 2003. Notice how steep West 4th Avenue is!

The Simpsons’ Soapbox Derby

July 22nd, 2008

How’s this for a blast from the past (1991!)…

Remember on The Simpsons when Bart entered a soapbox derby? And how his soapbox car wasn’t up to snuff in terms of build quality? Yeah, my memory is a little fuzzy, too. Well, thank goodness for the obsessive Simpsons archivists on the Internet!

The episode was from the show’s third season and was called “Saturdays of Thunder”. Let’s hope You’re not sushi – you’re chicken! turns out better than what Homer constructed for Bart…

Bart Simpson\'s soapbox car

Also, I don’t think Red Bull is going to allow us to use whips. Darn.

Meet the team: Leonard

July 21st, 2008

Twenty years since his last haiku in grade school… and this is the best he can come up with?

Leonard is a geek.
Writing is not his forte.
But what choice exists?


Last seen as:
Avacado Sushi in Flugtag Vancouver, 2006.

Rodents are OK too.

Hmmm… I’m not sure that I uploaded the right file…

Favourite part of the chicken to eat:

The deep fried part.

Favourite celebrity chef:

Alton Brown, a true geeks chef.

Favourite celebrity chicken:

Chicken Boo, from Animaniacs. Chicken Boo, what’s the matter with you?

Meet the team: Adrienne

July 20th, 2008

Dynamic, charismatic, iconic…these are words that do not describe Adrienne. But, here are some tidbits into Adrienne’s elusive life:

Last seen as:
Salmon Sushi in Flugtag Vancouver
Adrienne as Salmon Sushi in Flugtag Vancouver

Favourite part of the chicken to eat:
The skin! C’mon, don’t lie – you love it, too.

Favourite celebrity chef:
While Anthony Bourdain has wicked wit, nobody can beat SpongeBob SquarePants at flipping those Krabby Patties.
SpongeBob SquarePants making Krabby Patties

Favourite celebrity chicken:
Sheldon, the almost-chick from U.S. Acres.
Sheldon from U.S. Acres

The plan: You’re not sushi – you’re chicken!

July 13th, 2008

Here is the sketch we submitted to Red Bull:

You\'re not sushi - you\'re chicken! sketch
Who knows what the final product will actually look like 🙂

You’re not sushi – you’re chicken! welcomes you

July 11th, 2008

We’re at it again. First we were Sushi Gone Wild in Red Bull Flugtag Vancouver 2006, now we’re You’re not sushi – you’re chicken! in Red Bull Soapbox Vancouver 2008.

Keep returning to this blog as the summer progresses for updates on the construction of our cart, info on the team members, and what the origin of the team name is…

In the meantime, mark your calendars:

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Location: West 4th Ave., Vine to Burrard in Vancouver