Chicken wire for the chicken car

August 19th, 2008

Let’s see how our roast chicken soapbox car is going…

Our team has scars from working with lots of chicken wire (ugh, these puns write themselves).

Time to papier-mache! Our car is bigger than a Smart Car, even without the drumsticks and wings. Yowsa.


August 15th, 2008

Our team extends a wing salute and a hearty ‘thank you’ to our sponsor, Plum.

Plum is a locally-owned women’s fashion retailer.

Check for a Plum location near you – there’s one in Kitsilano at West 4th & Vine. Hey – that’s where the Red Bull Soapbox race is being held!

You’re not sushi – you’re chicken! official team bio

August 14th, 2008

It’s online on the official Red Bull Soapbox Canada site! Tear into the meat & bones of our team.

Full House’s Soapbox Derby

August 9th, 2008

By now you must’ve noticed that I have a thing for sitcoms and soapboxes. (See here and here).

Well then, I couldn’t possibly leave out the most annoying yet utterly hypnotizing sitcom from when I was growing up: Full House. I must’ve watched every episode at least 4 times (sorry, Leonard). But strangely, I can’t remember much about the Full House episode where Michelle enters a soapbox derby.

I couldn’t find a fansite that posts screenshots or video clips of the episode. I guess Full House fans just aren’t as rabid as Simpsons’ fans. But fear not – I think I can piece together the major plot points:

Michelle: “I wanna enter a soapbox derby! Uncle Jesse – help me win!”

Uncle Jesse: “Sure thing short stuff – anything for you…as long as it doesn’t mess with my hair.”

Stephanie: “How rude! Michelle always gets her way – like being Princess for a day by cutting in front of me at Disney World!

Joey: “Stephanie – Cut.It.Out.”

[Cue slow violin music – it’s time for the moral of the episode!]

Danny: “Michelle, I just want you to know that we love you no matter who wins the race. We’re just proud that you’ve tried your best. But when the race is over, please make sure you wipe your shoes before you enter the house.”

Michelle: “You got it, dude!”

Michelle goes on to win the race. (Shock!)

The End.

What we’ve been up to

August 4th, 2008

So far, on Day 3, we have almost completed our basic cart, and taken it out for a test run. What fun! If only our cart had a complete braking system and a few more safety features, we’d be ready to tackle 4th Ave.

Our next step is to figure out how to roast a giant chicken and attach it to the cart ;p

Almost forgot – team photo!

Team Photo

Bewitched Soapbox Derby

July 31st, 2008

This is even more of a blast from the past (1966!) than The Simpsons’ soapbox episode.

Bewitched (the show about a witch who twitched her nose and made stuff happen) had an episode that featured a soapbox derby. I can’t comment much on it since I didn’t watch this show as a kid (hey – we’re a youngish team, okay?), but thanks to YouTube, the entire episode is online:

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Meet the team: Jenny

July 30th, 2008

Last seen as:

Soy Sauce in Redbull Flugtag Vancouver, 2006

Favourite part of the chicken to eat:

The feet

Favourite celebrity chef:

My mom, of course! 🙂

Favourite celebrity chicken:

Big Bird (wait, is he a chicken??)

Building the cart, or as we call it, preheating the oven

July 29th, 2008

Let’s see what we’ve been up to…

Leonard uses the angle grinder

Leonard uses the angle grinder and shows the metal frame who’s boss. It’s a loud tool. Leonard can keep that task.

Look! A bike wheel!

Jenny has second thoughts on what she’s signed up for…

What’s in a name: Origin of You’re not sushi – you’re chicken!

July 25th, 2008

How did we come up with the name and inspiration for our chicken soapbox car?

We owe it all to some random guy who yelled at us during our Red Bull Flugtag Vancouver 2006 flight as Sushi Gone Wild. Listen carefully to the short clip below (and don’t get too distracted by all the booing and the calls for us to “jump!”).

So thanks, Random Guy!

Meet the team: Elizabeth

July 25th, 2008

Not much is known about the elusive creature called Elizabeth. However, during a recent inquiry of an unnamed security company into her background, it was discovered she is the Cluckmeister!

Last seen as:

The Shrimp in Flugtag Vancouver, 2006

On The Wild Sushi

Favourite part of the chicken to eat:

The chicken boobs.

Favourite celebrity chef:

If anyone can make food taste good naked. It would be the Naked Chef, Jamie Oliver.

Favourite celebrity chicken:

Foghorn from the Looney Toons cartoon.