Posts Tagged ‘chicken soapbox crash’

It’s official: Best crash at Red Bull Soapbox Vancouver!

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

Watch this short video of the Top 5 crashes at the Red Bull Soapbox Vancouver event.  Again, major props to Elizabeth & Jenny – if you gotta crash, do it in style!

Because we can’t get enough of those chicken crash pics

Saturday, September 13th, 2008

This awesome photo set is courtesy of Alicia.  “Poultry in motion”.

The chicken is approaching!

Here comes the crossover…

Uh-oh is right.  The bird flipped.

Road kill.

“Hey – are you guys alive in there?”

Yes! The Cluckmeister & Eggo will live to bok another day!

This production guy transported the road kill chicken to the soapbox graveyard.

The chicken and egg call a truce on the argument over which came first as they triumphantly walk across the finish line together.

These fabulous close-ups are courtesy of:

Vince Piva Photography
1160 Slocan St.
Vancouver, BC

A Public Service Announcement from You’re not sushi – you’re chicken!

Saturday, September 13th, 2008

Moments after the Great Chicken Crash of 2008, drivers Elizabeth & Jenny could be heard saying, “Thank goodness for seatbelts!”

Yes, we installed seatbelts in our soapbox.  They weren’t mandatory, but if you’re going to be building a soapbox cart and it’s feasible, install them.

Ours were pretty simple.  Just a carabiner attached to rope that was tied in a knot on the underside of the cart, with light foam padding around the rope (to prevent rope burn on the stomach).

Depending on your soapbox design, you could also consider a firewall.  Think about installing a proper roll bar, which we sacrificed in our design due to weight restriction considerations.

Oh, and even though helmets, gloves, and long-sleeve shirts & pants are mandatory according to Red Bull’s rules, make sure you actually wear them.  Seriously.

Follow these simple steps and you’ll walk away from a soapbox crash in pristine condition like Elizabeth & Jenny did!

If anyone from ICBC is reading this, we’re available for commercials. 🙂

A tour of the soapbox chicken carnage

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

Notice the perfectly intact cart structure!  Only 1 bent wheel.  What fabulous construction, right guys?

Video courtesy of Leonard.

Chicken Run & Chicken Crash!

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

Here it is…re-live the chicken crash!  Video courtesy of Dickson.

Now the crash in SLOW-MO!

We flipped the bird – but we’re OK!

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

If you saw our team race on Sunday, you saw THE CRASH OF THE EVENT. It’s an honour we’ll wear proudly only because our fearless pilots, Elizabeth & Jenny, emerged with nary a scratch. We’ll update this blog with more pics, videos and media hits soon.

If you have a video or photos of the crash and are willing to share with our team and on this blog, please contact us at and we’ll make it happen. Thank you!