Posts Tagged ‘chicken dance’

Chicken Dance: You’re not sushi – you’re chicken! style

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

Here’s a video of our skit.  The person in the chicken costume is really givin’er.  The knife, on the other hand, is woefully uncoordinated 😉

Video courtesy of Melissa.

Arrested Development and The Chicken Dance

Friday, August 29th, 2008

Again with me and tv shows (see here, here and here). But this post doesn’t have anything to do with soapboxes; this post is really just a fabulous excuse to post clips of the hilarious Bluth chicken dances from Arrested Development.

How is this relevant to our team? Read our official team bio to find out 😉

Also, guess what we’ll be doing in our skit?

I heart GOB!

Argh! That first video was taken down. Here’s the next best video I could find of the Bluth chicken dances. Enjoy it before it gets taken down, too.